ULTRAGRIP it is a product gripped based on elastic resins in aqueous emulsion. It is used for exteriors and interiors on: wood, insulating panels, paints, bricks, ceramics, bricks, concrete, metal, plaster and cement; to favor the adhesion of plaster, smoothing, mortar and premixed products for coats.

Colours: pink
Supports: any type
Consumption: 300 gr/mq
Equipment: brush, roller
KG. 20 – 10 – 5

ULTRAGRIP it is a product gripped based on elastic resins in aqueous emulsion. It is used for exteriors and interiors on: wood, insulating panels, paints, bricks, ceramics, bricks, concrete, metal, plaster and cement; to favor the adhesion of plaster, smoothing, mortar and premixed products for coats.
Colours: pink
Supports: any type
Consumption: 300 gr/mq
Equipment: brush, roller
Packaging: Kg 20 – 10 – 5

ULTRAGRIP it is a product gripped based on elastic resins in aqueous emulsion. It is used for exteriors and interiors on: wood, insulating panels, paints, bricks, ceramics, bricks, concrete, metal, plaster and cement; to favor the adhesion of plaster, smoothing, mortar and premixed products for coats.

Colours: pink
Supports: any type
Consumption: 300 gr/mq
Equipment: brush, roller
Packaging: Kg 20 – 10 – 5