The Waterproofing Floor Saver
Idrogenius is protective whose application allows to avoid the expensive removal of the flooring in case of infiltration of meteoric water. The product must be applied as it is on the floor and does not require a particular professional skill.
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Bituminous glue for prefabricated sheaths
Up & Down is an adhesion promoter, excellent for the cold application of prefabricated bituminous membranes, to the extrados of supports such as: concrete, pre-existing membranes, wood.
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Drying Accelerant
Speedy is an accelerator used to allow the application of Cimar waterproofing sheaths even in adverse weather conditions: with temperatures below 5 ° C and with relative humidity up to 95%.
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Universal weave fabric
Potenzio is able to provide valuable assistance as a reinforcement for liquid waterproofing. Thanks to its flexibility, it ensures an excellent adaptation to the surfaces to be treated, while for the extreme permeability it forms a single body with the waterproof liquid.
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